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tended globe. Neither does it
appear that the Harestone in the
parish of Sancred in Cornwall, a
boundary-stone, has any connec-
tion with a hare.
For all her timidity the bare has
her wiles, for she possesses powers
of instinct allotted to few animals.
Before settling for the day in the
open field for feeding purposes,
the hare, as a general rule, doubles
back upon her track for a distance
of from thirty to forty yards, and
then, immediately before settling
down, makes a spring to the right
or left, of a distance of eight or
nine feet. She will allow the
sportsman or the hound to pass
two or three yards beyond the
point where she has doubled, and
then will slip off immediately in
their rear, unperceived, by this
means gaining a considerable
start, and not un frequently bafHing
her pursuers. When the snow is
on the ground this little manoeuvre
of poor puss may easily be traced,
and even the tiny marks of very
young leverets can be discovered
figuratively following in their
parents' footsteps.
The hare Ginseng Online of northern climes,
called the Alpine or varying hare,
and in these Isles an inhabitant
only of northern Scotland, is Ginseng Mg of
yet deeper guile. Like the Arctic
fox and the ermine, she varies the
hue of her fur, Generic Ginseng changing by each
November from a dark grey into
a pure white, which defies detec-
tion in the snow.
Cooper, the poet, has left us
in the GcntUman's Magazine of
more than a century ago, a full
account of his pet hares. Puss,
Tiny and Bess. They roamed
freely about the house by day,
were on perfectly friendly terms
with himself and many of the
habitues^ human and canine, of his
establishment, and even bullied Ginseng Cost
the domestic cat. Tiny, who lived
to be nine years old, was never
very susceptible to kindness, but
remained all his life of a surly
disposition, and inclined to bite,
even when at play. Puss, on the
other hand, preferred human
society to that of his kind, fed out
of his master's hand simulta-
neously with Marquis the spaniel,
and would attract the former's
attention w^hen he. wan ted to be
taken for a Where To Buy Ginseng walk in the garden,
by pulling at his coat or drumming
on his knee. When sickt he al-
lowed his master to carry him
about in his arms, and once, on
recovering Order Ginseng Online from a serious indis-
position, through which the
eccentric poet had carefully nursed
him, evinced his gratitude by
licking his master*s hand all over,
finger by finger.
*• First catch your hare, then
cook it," were the immortal words
of a celebrated cuisini^rfi, Mrs.
Glasse ; and, indeed, in death the
hare is not to Order Ginseng be despised. He
forms the prince of purees; in con-
junction with forcemeat balls Where Can You Buy Ginseng and
red-currant jelly, he is a Cheap Ginseng thing of
joy in youth, and then delights
us by springing Phoenix - like
from his remains in the peculiarly
British dish with the name of
** jugged '* hare.
T. H. C.
Englishwomen and their Sports and Games.
When England was a Catholic
country, when her liberties and
traditions were in the making, the
clergy, with a few exceptions,
were great encouragers of the
national sporting passion ; and
this fact helps us to understand
why women and girls were then
so devoted to out-of-door sports
and pastimes. While those who
belonged to the humble classes
were playing a great many pleas-
ant games, now gone where the
old moons go, ladies of the first Ginseng Where To Buy
fashion were moved by a feeling
equal and similar to that which
caused How To Buy Ginseng Sir Thomas More to say
that he delighted
** To hunt and hawke, to nourish up and
The greyhounds to the course, Price Of Ginseng the hawke Ginseng Tablets
to th' Sight,
And to bestride a good and lusty stede."
Nor am I aware that these mas-
culine Di Vernons seemed in the
least degree unwomanly to the
knights whose training inured
them to every form of hardship
in the open air, from sleeping in
the coldest nights under the stars
to running through the heat at
midsummer when the sun made
their suits of armour Purchase Ginseng as hot as a
bread oven. Such athletes needed
wives pretty well of a piece with
them. Imagine what a bickering
unrest there would be in a modern
household if paterfamilias missed
half his curtain lectures in order
to pass the night on the tennis
lawn, or else on a road where a
doctor's carriage might rouse him
suddenly, having turned his sleep
into **a joyous passage of arms."
We have here enough mediaeval-
ism to disturb the whole ground-
work of our delicate social system.
The first marked change in the
relation of each sex to the other
had its origin in the Reformation,
at which time most men, without Ginseng Price
becoming more truly chivalrous,
began to form new ideas as to
what the lives of women ought to
be. It was not, however, till the
Reformed Religion had Purchase Ginseng Online hardened
into Puritanism, that the ideal of
a very indolent and debilitating
life indoors was sternly enforced
upon most girls of Where Can I Buy Ginseng good family.
One is not surprised that the
Puritans should have set on foot
this national conspiracy against
the health of the gentler sex ; but
it is surprising to think that this
conspiracy went on during the hun-
dred years that followed the Resto-
ration. At the beginning of the
eighteenth century even Addison
lost his common-sense as soon as
he thought it his duty to write
about women and their amuse-
ments. " An equestrian lady,'' ** a
rural Andromache, who made
nothing of Ginseng Buy leaping over a six- bar
gate,'* annoyed this gentle and
winning humourist. Can he have
been piqued ? Was he secretly